Do Laws Affect Me As A Blogger? #SocialCafe #TBWTwitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! -- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. We're chatting NOW! "Do Laws Affect Me As A Blogger?" Questions here: s with hashtags #Social#TBW Our topic today: Do Laws Affect Me As A Blogger? This is a dual hashtag chat. Please use both RT Our topic today: Do Laws Affect Me As A Blogger? Hello all the awesome people of ! No worries, how are you getting settled in? Hey Kim. Good to see you :) A1: I think copyrighted material would be an issue Legal laws concern us as a blogger because to create authenticity you need to be accurate... A1. Libel laws should still apply no matter if it's blogging or print. Glad you are here, Pam :) Hi Krystal! Good to see you again :) I'm always concerned about credibility issues and plagiarism issues. Good to have you join us, Josue :) I agree. That's a big 1 that people sometimes miss RT A1: I think copyrighted material would be an issue A1.Copyright laws protect the original creator of a work, such as photography,audio, from having work stolen or misused. Q1 Why should I be concerned about legal issues, as a blogger? As a Blogger I want to make sure I'm doing everything by the book! Q1 Why should I be concerned about legal issues, as a blogger? Absolutely! RT : A1: I think copyrighted material would be an issue Q1) Confidentiality and privacy are huge...and important to respect MT A1.Copyright laws protect the original creator of a work from having work stolen or misused. That's true in everything media aspect though, not just blogging. As a blogger there usually isn't much of a book to follow on things but the laws are definitely by the book I completely agree with that...because its the law doesn't mean people will always follow it... I hear ya (and hi :) ) I tend to use 123RF, to be safe. Then, if I goof, they come after me (& let me know) :) A1: Blogging laws are important to learn so that you don't accidently break any laws and have legal troubles A1 Cuz I don’t want to get in trouble :) And the lines can be blurred RT : Q1) Confidentiality and privacy are huge...and important to respect Sad, but true. RT because its the law doesn't mean people will always follow it yes I see many who do not disclose when they receive products to review Hi Sarah! Thanks for joining us tonight and such great input so far :) since I am so new I am not really aware of the all the laws? Thanks! RT : Hi Sarah! Thanks for joining us tonight and such great input so far :) Even a quick guide could be helpful Hey hun! You're just in time a lot of new faces tonight. Glad to have you back :) Hi Bella! Thanks for joining us tonight :) Hello and welcome aboard!!! Q2 What legal issues should I be concerned about? A2. We should be careful about defaming anyone..(If we're blogging about a particular person.) Ummm YES I won a ticket! I'm super excited. I'm on vacation that week but I'll still be there i Fines, penalities, loss of reputation RT : Q1 Why should I be concerned about legal issues, as a blogger? A2 Laws that affect me and best practices (in that order) A2: The main concern I would think would be privacy issues. There's some crazy info on blogs that shouldn't be there. Don't forget you can still copyright your body of work the good old fashioned way too ;) Good 1.. loss of rep.. (Hi there :) ) RT Fines, penalities, loss of reputation Plagiarism, scraping, DMCA violations RT : Q2 What legal issues should I be concerned about? Good, it will be lovely to see you live next week :) A2: I know I always credit my sources, I'm concerned about others taking my work. How do you stop it? Hey Glam! Always good to see you in all your glittery fabulousness :) Loss of reputation! That's so true! Q2 What legal issues should I be concerned about? I like the "if u can't say something nice, don't say anything." May not always be possible, but safe law suit? Nasty, but even cyber bullying seems to be unstoppable without enforcement (civil or criminal) The golden rule is the safest bet, but again, probably not possible. A2. It's necessary to know which laws affect you in your state/country for blogging AND social media too A2 Intellectual property is a big one, kinda goes with plagerism and privacy There are plugins to prevent copying and pasting, some will slip a link to your blog on that person's site Social media forces you to keep up to date with your social media outlets B/C people can tag you and you would have no clue GREAT point! MT ": A2. It's necessary to know which laws affect you in your state/country for blogging " Awesome point! So many bloggers don't have a privacy policy that outlines information kept/shared A2: I would imagine you would have to be worried about things such as lawsuits and fines if you break blogging laws. also, make sure you have a clear copyright policy on your site, and keep a DMCA takedown template handy Thnx! MT@TheBlogWorkshop Awesome point! So many bloggers don't have a privacy policy that outlines information kept/shared The tough part is the guidelines change often so you have to be vigilant in keeping up So true! I'm confused a lot but learning all the time. The Internet is always changing and so do we! Privacy is a thing of the past nowadays... Yeah, those are really handy. Unfortunately, they only keep the "honest ones" from infraction Hi Josue! Thanks for joining us tonight :) what's the topic for the day? I'm just trying to hop in the mix. Lol LOL HEYY!!!!! Dont forget to use both hashtags... lol so very true Deborah ,but you know in today's world nothing seems to be off limits! lol Agreed, to an extent. Some still hold it prety important Yeah I would agree to an extent, I still value my personal privacy though. Protect what you can Q3 Where can I find out more information about legal issues for bloggers? Sadly. But, hey, if u can look in the mirror & like what u see, in character, that is a great place to start IT is important but not realistic to think we can keep anything private anymore with the stalker resources out afe:I find out more information about legal issues for bloggers? #SocialCafe #TB Absolutely agree, do waht you can to protect yourself Q3 Where can I find out more information about legal issues for bloggers? Ok chatters! I promised my hubby he could have me back tonight! Signing off for now! I didn't know that. What a great resource! I'll have to remember that as I do more blogging. Thanks for the resource. I'll be sure to add to the summary (giving credit to you :) ) I can't argue, but all you can do is protect yourself as much as possible Absolutely agree with that! Thanks for spending time with us, Joanne. Tell hubby hi from all of us ;) A1. Always gotta be careful on them interwebs. What you put online stays online 4eva I will! He hates tuesdays because I ignore him lol A3 TBW workshop coming up :) As bloggers it's important NOT to forget that you're still creating a body of work when you write, protect it :) So true. Hi Nicole :) MT A1. Always gotta b careful on them interwebs. What u put online stays online 4eva I think one issue is as online content producers we push out so much content that we forget that we SHOULD protect it He should compare notes with my hubby. He might be encouraged. lol :) HI Nicole! Thanks for joining in today :) Aww, see you next week! Thanks for joining us again MT As bloggers it's important NOT to forget you're still creating a body of work when u write, protect it So true! Too many hamster wheels going at once. Had no idea there were blogging laws I think another issue is we try to formulate information thats up to date and not necessarily keeping it accurate... A3: Hmm..The Blog Workshop sounds like a good place to learn more about the rules and legal issues for bloggers Its YOURS, if you want to protect it then do so So easy to get busy with content and not realize.. u r not alone. RT Had no idea there were blogging laws Oh, I thought you hopped out! Glad you're still with us. :) Check out the links. Do Laws Affect Me As A Blogger? Hi Sean! Thanks for joining us and your honesty, you bring up a great point too... many just don't know doing research- taking The Blog Workshop class~ Laws Your SHOULD Know" with Att ! Just discovered this chat ... I'm a bit late. Thank you, We're working hard to make sure bloggers have information they need :) you can face liability issues if you were to blog something false I believe from what I'm reading. No such thing as late. Welcome :) I'm still learning everybody lol,bare with me Q4 What are my actions steps, as a result of what I have learned tonight? Can I get a short summary of the blogging laws? This is news to me! Thanks for welcome. :) Many bloggers consider what they do a hobby or approach it casually...nothing wrong with that but KNOW laws that affect you A4: the actions I'm taking is educating myself more to protect my blogs and also not to run into any liability issues. Another MAJOR issue I see is bloggers doing promotions/contests without knowing the laws that can affect them A4: I want to place copyright filters on EVERYTHING. Q4 What are my actions steps, as a result of what I have learned tonight? A4 Attend the TBW workshop! Is this too much advertising to help Da Vinci out? :) Wonderful! No time like the present to start :) A4 - I'll definitely be more careful in the future while I'm blogging to not break laws and ruin my credibility or reputation. It's ok Sean! Learning is like breathing...something you should look forward to doing everyday! A4. It's important for me to know the libel laws and what legal issues journalist (bloggers) face. Be fair.... Great information tonight guys. This may all be overwhelming, start by keeping up with FTC info for bloggers, have a privacy policy, disclosure & tax info Protect yourself as much as possible like Think before you blog as well... keep learning, stay current with changing laws, be crediable YES! If you receive samples/payment/services and blog about them, you must disclose Speaking of rules.. Twitter has no way of knowing when u ask for us to tweet u about an upcoming twitter chat.. so (next) I am so happy that I hopped in this tweetchat! This knowledge has prevented any future mistakes that could've taken place. With so much always evolving in the social word, what are your secrets for keeping up with everything? A3. Ask professionals in the field and seek out as many reputable blogs as possible I'll be educating myself as well- there are some great info here - thanks everyone. Here's a "Forest for the Trees" challenge: Protect your content but don't drive customers away w your tactics. Glad to hear it, Sean. Glad to have you :) A4: to b careful of what u post. Do ur homework & make sure u r not unknowingly breaking laws or doing something unethical Yay! We aim to please :) So glad you were able to join us too I really enjoyed my first tweet chat....i have learned a lot... MT Here's a "Forest for the Trees" challenge: Protect ur content but don't drive customers away w ur tactics. Great tweet chat! Learned a ton. TY. Glad you joined us ;) RT I really enjoyed my first tweet chat....i have learned a lot... Oh wow! You handled it like a pro :), do you have a blog? Fantastic tweet chat guys I learned something new and useful. I would say my 10 min on this chat have been beneficial. A4. Think before I tweet and be sure to check blogs for helpful tips which laws does it affect? Thanks, James. Thanks for joining us :) RT Fantastic tweet chat guys Im going to be leaving the conversation everybody. But I will be back here next week for sure Yes, check out workshop (and I'm not paid to say that!) lol Gotta go everyone but you are all AWESOME! See you next week...or later if you are in any other chats I'm in! hey everybody thanks for the useful info & links hope to see you next time or soon ;) workshop next week! You should definitely register :) Thank YOU :) The links will be in the summary, too, coming out tonight Thanks for joining us Todd! Keep up the good work :) Ooh, you are quick. Awesome job! Bye all! Looking forward to next week's chat Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Thank you for joining us tonight! It's always a pleasure to be in the company of and fellow online socialites :)