Search Engines & PPC #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. How's everyone coping after the holiday? :) Hello, and welcome to the Twitter Chat! Our topic for this Chat hour: PPC & Search Engines Hi, Welcome to the SocialCafe Twitter Chat, Glad you are here! , We're continuing our PPC series; Our topic for this Chat hour is PPC & Search Engines Hey there! thanks for joining us tonight :) hoping you make it back on time :) Last week’s Social Web Cafe TV episode: shares insights I'm on for a couple minutes but I will be checking later what you guys talked about! Awesome! Good to hear from you :) Q1 What is your experience with PPC advertising with search engines (i.e. Adwords; Bing)? Thanks! My first time here at I have some articles that should help you, for your research list.. will tweet them in RT Q1 What is your experience with PPC advertising with search engines (i.e. Adwords; Bing)? Glad to have you join us! RT Thanks! My first time here at Good to see u for a couple minutes :) Always a joy! Q1 What is your experience with PPC advertising with search engines (i.e. Adwords; Bing)? A1 I have used AdWords and YouTube PPC, too I really need to know about PPC advertising with search engines Kavita! Good to c u! Every1 - Meet Kavita in a recent interview on SocialWebCafe.TV RT Hi everyone! Hi, welcome to the SocialCafe chat, it's nice to see u! Hi Kavita, good to see you again! Thanks, Deb! It was such a fun interview :) A1. We're with you , we've tried Youtube & Adwords also and u have such insight! RT Thanks, Deb! It was such a fun interview :) How did you like the youtube PPC? Tomorrow’s Social Web Cafe TV Podcast: Devorah, story selling A1: I've not used PPC b4 but it sounds really interesting... A1: Learned about PPC in school but never put it into practice. Have you had much luck with AdWords? Thank you for the wonderful compliment! RT Tomorrow’s Social Web Cafe TV Podcast: Devorah, story selling Ditto! RT : I really need to know about PPC advertising with search engines I have, but generally it has been for free things and that doesn't give a lot of ROI Q2 What challenges do you face with setting up your search PPC campaign(s)? Need helpt getting those keywords? --> Keyword Classification in PPC Advertising My favorite resource, from the people that "know" is & Zac & team know their stuff A2: I'd imagine choosing the right keywords is a huge challenge. A2: I'd imagine choosing the right keywords is a huge challenge. A2 The ROI. The cost is not an issue if there is a reasonable ROI hi, and welcome to the SocialCafe Twitter Chat RT : A2 The ROI. The cost is not an issue if there is a reasonable ROI Q2 What challenges do you face with setting up your search PPC campaign(s)? Experiment! >> 3 Ways To Expand Your Business Through PPC via Thanks helping us create relationships please RT I appreciated Youtube but it's definitely important to choose the right videos to promote. Definitely! RT I appreciated YT but it's definitely important to choose the right videos to promote. RT A2: I'd imagine choosing the right keywords is a huge challenge. Wondering where to spend $$$ ? Google Adwords vs. Facebook Ads - Which is Better? via Q3 What successes have you experienced with search PPC? RT Wondering where to spend $$$? MT: Google Adwords vs. Facebook Ads? via Q3 What successes have you experienced with search PPC? Definitely true .. you want to target the right keywords A3 Success is secured when enough money is put on the bid. The question is, are you selling enough for ROI RT Q3 What successes have you experienced with search PPC? Social Web Cafe TV: Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah: Sales Tips I think the success is easy to attain, but the ROI is really the key issue to examine. Q4 After this chat, which search PPC methods do you think you will try? Q4 After this chat, which search PPC methods do you think you will try? RT I think the success is easy to attain, but the ROI is really the key issue to examine. RT I think the success is easy to attain, but the ROI is really the key issue to examine. A4 Do a cost analysis to determine best price range for PPC campaign Case Study: O2 - Analyse A Real PPC Campaign RT Case Study: O2 - Analyse A Real PPC Campaign Case Study: Google Play - Analyse A Real PPC Campaign In our hangout, definitely good to think of Facebook ads a bit like a warm lead. Speak to your fans first then branch out RT Q4 After this chat, which search PPC methods do you think you will try? I know that this chat is about over. This is my first time to . What are the topics about? We have them scheduled through November & you'll see those on the calendar soon :) MT definitely good 2 think of FB ads a bit like a warm lead. Speak 2 ur fans first then branch out Actually, next weeks look like I could learn something! I'll make a note of it. Cool! Look forward to chatting w/u RT Actually, next wk look like I could learn something! I'll make a note. In this context stands for I believe stand for The Blog Workshop. Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. THANKS! I need help in that dept. too! RT I believe stand for The Blog Workshop. Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!