Email Marketing: What Are My Options? #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. Our topic Chat hour: Email Marketing: What Are My Options? RT Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. Whoooo hoooo it's time for another & Chat! Tonight we're talking "E-mail Marketing- What Are My Options?" Are You Ready? Hey Deborah, how are you? :) Hi good to see you again! thanks I know I missed a few weeks! Thanks been a crazy summer but back to business now :)
No worries, we know how that goes! :) hi, welcome to the Twitter chat No worries, you ready to talk email marketing today? :) We're discussing "E-mail Marketing- What Are My Options?": Use hashtags to Join the Chat now! :) Oh my goodness. How have you been? :)RT Hey Deborah, how are you? :) Hi Tamara! Good to c u :) Good :) It's has been a while :D I was on a long blogging vacation ;) RT : Last week's Social Web Cafe TV episode: Rebekah Radice Q1 What platforms have you had the most success with and why? (i.e. aweber, mailchimp, constant contact, etc.) Q1 What platforms have you had the most success with and why? (i.e. aweber, mailchimp, constant contact, etc.) I haven't had much success with email marketing; I didn't pay much attention. You probably needed it. You had studies, too, eh? A1 I have been using aweber for ages But, I did have a list - with Mailchimp Hi, welcome to that chat, glad to have here. Thanks, David. How are you? RT Q1 What platforms have you had the most success with and why? (i.e. aweber, mailchimp, etc.) I hear ya! I'm just now really focusing on it, after I have seen the ROI on it Yes. But, I am not taking any classes this semester. So, I thought it would be a gr8 time to restart blogging Choosing an email marketing platform is all about your intentions of use and how much work you want to do with it I havent either more cuz I don't want to bug people
Thank you Marisa :) Nice to meet you. How is your week going? A1. We've used many options, but had a lot of great success and ease with ! A1 Just recently signed up for MailChimp (switched) Oh my. That is exactly what & I were talking about.. MT ..cuz I don't want to bug people I just became a member of the Twub. For live tweets, photos, videos and more, check out Awesome, can you tell us why you've stuck with that option? MT Q1 What platforms have you had the most success with and why? Indeed. I didn't think it as important (back then, blogging was just a hobby). But, now my goals are different So glad I am not alone with that hurdle Hi there! Thanks for joining us :) Btw, Nice to meet you, Tamara :) Yea my goals are changing I need to focus on actually making something of it
nice to meet you as well :) :) Yeah, I hate to ask, but love to help RT So glad I am not alone with that hurdle I had so much fun! RT : Last week's Social Web Cafe TV episode: Rebekah Radice 1 because unlimited lists, 2 after 8 years I am grandfathered into that price No mention :) How is your week? That's definitely a big issue, I find that frequency and valuable content play a big part in this I am so the same way. But I also know I need to get out there more to make this works Once again, when setting up your email signup forms... be sure to set expectations for the recipients also. So far so good just been getting back in the swing of things A1: I've haven't used any of the platforms yet, but i hear good things about MailChimp so I might want to try it RT Once again, when setting up your email signup forms.. be sure to set expectations for recipients also. I have never heard of these platforms till tonight! Tomorrow's Social Web Cafe TV Podcast: Our contest winner! Subscribe: Oooh, do share more, Da Vinci :) Listening... hi, nice to meet you too, my week had been going fine, glad you could join us after returning from vacation. Exactly, I have decided on a schedule tho to sit down and do them then have them set out on a future date Yup. I am planning to experiment on that - from 2 times a week to 3-4 times a month I hope we both stick to it We surely don't want to annoy the users with too many emails. I've found that weekly, bi-weekly, & monthly do best. It gives people something to look forward to without being bombarded And too few emails doesn't help much to build a solid relationship with the subscriber RT We're discussing "E-mail Marketing- What Are My Options?": Use hashtags to Join the Chat now! :) RT Last week's Social Web Cafe TV episode: Rebekah Radice Good idea. That is what i try to do. Easier to get in groove & produce (then break) Exactly how I feel I know some lists i am on its 'Not them again' don't want others to think that of mine It's important to continue the relationship past emails, then you can email less frequently RT I've found that weekly, bi-weekly, & monthly do best. It gives people something to look forward d Q2 What features/options do you find most useful when it comes to email marketing? No problem ;) Well, my vacation was too long for a vacation - about an year now. So, I had to return to blogging :D You can add a question to the form, ask them how often they want to received the newsletter. Chat With Us NOW! :) "E-mail Marketing- What Are My Options?: A2 I know it is silly, but just love MailChimp's templates! If you ask questions, like how often they want to recieve you can send out split campaigns, everyone wins. Gotcha, so a matter of being able to feed them what they Yup. One of the other problems I had was the length. My emails used to be too long. I have to work on that. A2 the ability to set for future dates, to send HTML or text emails Same here some of these platforms are all new to me, but I'm intrigued to learn more... how old is your blog? Mine is 6 months Of course, SM channels, right? MT If u ask questions, like how often they want to recieve u can send out split campaigns, everyone wins. You could also have a followup email with an acutal survey & give a prize/discount for their cooperation Split them up some by creating a blog post from it then giving a snippet in the newsletter and link to the post Q2 What features/options do you find most useful when it comes to email marketing? Auto responders. It can save us a lot of time. A2. I love 's templates and options to do A/B Split campaigns... makes thing soooo easy :) Yes Auto responders are awesome Um, not sure how many months off the top of my head, but it was started i think around march of this year... Cool so it is still fairly new like mine! Lots to learn! I have tried that. But, I don't want to do that for every one of my emails (it would feel too promotional). Thanks helping us create relationships please RT So, I am working on bullet point based emails. Cut down the content to a few points. So true! RT Auto responders. It can save us a lot of time. yup pretty new, and yes lots and lots to learn! =) good idea, maybe do a month of points then divide it up over the mails so its like a series idk just thinking RT A2. I love 's templates and options to do A/B Split campaigns... makes thing soooo easy :) RT Q2 What features/options do you find most useful when it comes to email marketing? Yup. That's what I am planning to do. Cover 3 different topics over the first 3 months of subscription It seems like doing it by bullet points is easier for the writer & reader. Good idea Hopefully everything will work out as planned :) Agreed! RT I love 's templates and options to do A/B Split campaigns.makes thing soooo easy :) What about email marketing goals? What are you guys trying to achieve through email marketing? We're discussing "E-mail Marketing- What Are My Options?": Use hashtags to Join the Chat now! :) Q3 What obstacles have you encountered when choosing your email marketing platform? A2: Well, i found that mailchimp has a cool feature if have under 2,000 subscribers, u can send 12,ooo emails for free. Mailchimp is free :) Can't beat that ;) But, Aweber does have some awesome features RT Mailchimp is free :) Can't beat that ;) But, Aweber does have some awesome features A3 Nothing off the top of my head about the platform Mailchimp is catching up though. They support segmentation now, don't they? RT Q3 What obstacles have you encountered when choosing your email marketing platform? RT What about email marketing goals? What are you guys trying to achieve through email marketing? Q3 What obstacles have you encountered when choosing your email marketing platform? RT Q3 What obstacles have you encountered when choosing your email marketing platform? Yep, with their A/B splits and segmented send out features. Agreed. Mailchimp does have some awesome pre-designed templates! RT : A3 Design.. A3: Well, I've never done email marketing, but I imagine constantly coming up w/ new engaging content can be an obstacle Yeah, I kept telling myself it *shouldn't* matter, but templates are so good! Yeah, I kept telling myself it *shouldn't* matter, but templates are so good! Agreed. Personally, I find that reading helps - not just blogs, but also books. A3: an another obstacle i've heard in choosing is, deciding with platform will give you best leverage and results... Social Web Cafe TV: Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah: new episode Thu Yup. It is easy to get distracted by design. Design is important, but too fancy is bad for business! I never paid attention to their templates. Hrm Will have to check that out RT Yup. It is easy to get distracted by design. Design is important, but too fancy is bad for business! Q4 After tonight's chat, do you have any plans for changes? Please do share. RT Agreed. Personally, I find that reading helps - not just blogs, but also books. I think that is the thing, it is like a psychology behind the templates, guides the eye, but simple... I am definitely going to research the platforms that have been discussed! I am definitely going to research the platforms that have been discussed! I will go back and take a good look at my email marketing plan in Evernote ;) RT Q4 After tonight's chat, do you have any plans for changes? Please do share. I need to decided somethings. Especially, things such as the welcome email. RSVP for 's Twitter Party tomorrow with : There will be PRIZES! :) A4 just deciding to do it more, need to get things going again. A4: Learn some more about MailChimp, think of what to write in my first email, and like, said, read some books! RT A4 just deciding to do it more, need to get things going again. Don't miss it! Francisco built list of 10K in 1 yr. U can, too! 50% today! Full $ tomorrow. aff. You should try different genres. I underestimated the power of fiction to inspire :D RT I need to decided somethings. Especially, things such as the welcome email. RT I am definitely going to research the platforms that have been discussed! Q4 After tonight's chat, do you have any plans for changes? Please do share. Yup me too, I've got lots of research to do, and lots to learn! Have any of you tried Benchmark email? I was considering it the other day. A4. I think after tonight we'll be thinking about how we can cater to our subscribers even more. I don't think we ever learn it all RT Yup me too, I've got lots of research to do & lots to learn! Definitely not, lol... that's the joy of an industry that's constantly growing ;) Do u think doing 1 ad using as template would help? MT A4 just deciding to do it more/need to get going The autoresponder feature on Mailchimp is free, right? That is a really great tip. I ur absolutely right fiction it can be very inspirational! I haven't. I have used Vertical Response & Feedblitz & tested aweber & getresponse I haven't. I have used Vertical Response & Feedblitz & tested aweber & getresponse “: Tomorrow's Social Web Cafe TV Podcast: Subscribe: ”THANKU How was your experience with Aweber? RT You should try different genres. I underestimated the power of fiction to inspire :D Mailchimp features page says that Auto responders are a paid feature. And yet, I am able to access it for free? I really liked it (aweber), like it is the standard to measure all others; won out on the templates Yeah, that seems confusing, like more subs & then paid is more features, less subs RT A4. I think after tonight we'll be thinking about how we can cater to our subscribers even more. What I like about Aweber is you can do single emails, daily from your RSS feed or autoresponder RT What I like about Aweber is you can do single emails, daily from your RSS feed or autoresponder They do allow affiliate marketing now (as long as it is 'relevant'). So, no reason is not go for Mailchimp Wow, i didn't know that, I'm learning so much new stuff! Very good point! I was thinking of continuing my feedblitz for that, but funneling people over to mailchimp OOO just thought of A3 sometimes it is confusing as to what list you want to work with
And, you've only just begun, my dear ;) Next week we we will discuss the newsletter part of it! Next week we we will discuss the newsletter part of it! I use YMLP years ago, then heard that its a pain to move people and you loose some so I figured to go with an unlimited plan Alright ;) Can't wait for that Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Tonight's chat has been really great, I think we'll all have a lot of great tips to think about implementing :) Hrm I am so hoping I will be here, Daugher has an apointment in town. Ill try hard
I have got to go now. Nice to meet all of you :) See you guys next week! Have a grt rest of the week! It would be lovely to see you :) Understand. Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! :) RT Alright ;) Can't wait for that RT Next week we we will discuss the newsletter part of it! Next week we'll be ending our E-mail Marketing series with "Creating An Effective Newsletter" And I appreciate you as well :) :) RT And I appreciate you as well :) Email Marketing: Managing Your Growing Audience (Summary) via