Tools 5 * IFTTT #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C... --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EST slot. Yay! MT : Started using this wk. Can't wait to upgrade. Our topic Chat hour: Blogging & Social Media Tools: We're Chatting Now! Join us for our & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "IFTTT" RT RT : Our topic Chat hour: Blogging & Social Media Tools: Tonight: Blogging & Social Media Tools: Example. Really swamped with work.. see something.. pin it.. sends me email.after work I share to FB, Twitter, G+.. Welcome RT Hey Kavita. Welcome! Glad to have you join =D RT Good question! The nice thing is that uses large icons to walk u step by step through the process And on a fun note, I like pronouncing "ifffft!" Hey! Thanks for joining us :) RT A2. I guess my first mission will be to figure out the best way for me to get the most out of it. Hey Kavita! Yeah, isn't ifttt handy? RT : Hi everyone! I love :) hee hee And on a fun note, I like pronouncing "ifffft!" Great! We are here to help each other. So glad you joined us tonight :) There's one that attaches a pic when I post to IG so it shows up. Also, calendar appts go into a Google Doc There's one that attaches a pic when I post to IG so it shows up. Also, calendar appts go into a Google Doc There's one that attaches a pic when I post to IG so it shows up. Also, calendar appts go into a Google Doc Love spending time with you all. I must go:( Deborah, remember I'm completely free on Saturday. I hope you are available. Let's get this thing done:) Hugs. A2: what are the top 3 ways can improve productivity? Aww I hope your hubby gets better soon! Ooh, I like that with the calendar.. G8 idea! Hi Deborah. Glad that I could join the chat tonight. :) Hi Deborah. Glad that I could join the chat tonight. :) hmmm interesting. Thanks Kavita! you'll be missed. looking forward to chatting nxt week :) Mind blown! This has everything! top 3 ways can improve productivity: 1) workflow 2) list creation 3) social image sharing cc top 3 ways can improve productivity: 1) workflow 2) list creation 3) social image sharing cc top 3 ways can improve productivity: 1) workflow 2) list creation 3) social image sharing cc top 3 ways can improve productivity: 1) workflow 2) list creation 3) social image sharing cc Do you have a pic or screenshot of it? The icons, etc. :) RT : Mind blown! This has everything! is pretty awesome, and user friendly too :) Can’t take credit :) Found it on . Can’t take credit :) Found it on . Thanks! That's what I was looking for. Thanks! That's what I was looking for. Great to know that you are using it, too, Marisa. Me too! We’re talking about right now at (need to use both) Me too! We’re talking about right now at (need to use both) Glad to see you again and happy you're finding everything so useful :) Q3 What are some ideas for recipes that you would like to see ? A3 I wish they could bring back the awesome Twitter recipes they used to have Q3 What are some ideas for recipes that you would like to see ? Happy to be here! Glad to connect. Thanks for sharing the resources. Happy to be here! Glad to connect. Thanks for sharing the resources. A3 I haven't seen enough Twitter->Wordpress recipes on . Good one! Yeah, that would be cool. I need to promote my blog posts more often. would help. Good one! Yeah, that would be cool. I need to promote my blog posts more often. would help. Yeah, there was a Twitter API change I believe that is what caused the Twitter recipes to be removed Aha! I've been reading about that, but wasn't sure if it was still like that. Good Idea! I've done a lot with social sharing, but need to find recipes for blog.. Yeah, there were a bunch of them before. That was mostly what I used re: Twitter Q4 If you decide to use , how do you think you will use the tool? A3: Wish there was a recipe that had a trigger for Pinterest. But otherwise no, can't think of anything to change. I’d definitely be into that! I didn’t know that! That’s not good :/ Oh, Marisa, there are! re: Pinterest - I tweeted my article that shows how, earlier, here on A4 I’m very satisfied, but I’m going to peek to see if there are some I haven’t thought of yet A4 I’m very satisfied, but I’m going to peek to see if there are some I haven’t thought of yet Q4 If you decide to use , how do you think you will use the tool? A4: For like everything, the less work needed (after creating a recipe, of course) the better! :D Want to trigger Pinterest ? Check out the instructions on my article for the "feed" that will trigger from Pinterest A4: I need to explore further. I know there’s a ton of recipes I haven’t seen yet! I will use it for as much as I can. The less work I have to do in addition to work, the better! A4: Just recently started using it, but ultimately would like to get all my accounts linked! A4: Just recently started using it, but ultimately would like to get all my accounts linked! A4. It's like from . Friendly reminders on a host of topics. I can always use reminders. Thank you for the welcome! Actually, thanks to for introducing me to . Added a column for next time. :) I'm definitely going to use Instagram> flickr & native twitter photo recipes. I'm definitely going to use Instagram> flickr & native twitter photo recipes. Pinterest for triggers: http:// / USERNAME / feeders // // remove spaces & replace USERNAME Does that mean it can be changed? Hmm...Still figuring out Wordpress too. It's quite a learning experience. Does that mean it can be changed? Hmm...Still figuring out Wordpress too. It's quite a learning experience. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll be exploring soon. :) Thanks for the suggestion! I'll be exploring soon. :) Great to know! Thanks for sharing! :) So many uses for effective automation! But the fun is in figuring out what works best for you is your question related to whether WP publish button can be changed? Originally, I wanted to use for hooking up Twitter to Wordpress, but found some plugins. Ahhhh.. Good for u on the plugins. The list from looks good for WP recipes Ahhhh.. Good for u on the plugins. The list from looks good for WP recipes Thank you all for ANOTHER fabulous chat! And thank you to for stopping by to share your input and expertise :) Next week: !
(PSST.. has receipts for Evernote, too :) ) is pretty cool too :) I have a recipe set up for that! Next week: !
(PSST.. has recipes for Evernote, too :) ) Next week: !
(PSST.. has recipes for Evernote, too :) ) Yes! Thanks, ! As I get my blog up and running, I'll use these. Yes! Thanks, ! As I get my blog up and running, I'll use these. Gotta love when Tweetdeck changes your typo'd 'recipes' to 'receipts' on US Tax Day! Ya, I find wordpress>twitter simple but will help me w. weebly>twitter>Fbook solution. Sounds great! :)RT Next week: !
(PSST.. has recipes for Evernote, too :) ) MT : Ya, I find wordpress>twitter simple but will help me w. weebly>twitter>Fbook solution. MT : Ya, I find wordpress>twitter simple but will help me w. weebly>twitter>Fbook solution. Send me a link when it’s up :) Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Us, too, Stephanie :D RT : Send me a link when it’s up :) Awesome. See you next week! Thanks for sharing your experience everyone. Thank you for joining us ;) Thanks guys! I'll post again when I finish my design & behind the scenes changes. :) Sorry, missed the chat today. Back in my mind, I mistook the chat was on Thursday! :-(
Ahhh.. well, we will look forward to next week :) Good to see you for a moment :) I will sign up for a reminder for next week. Since it's early morning here, I need an alarm Good idea ;) I think I need to sign up for my own.. lol Specializing in G+ Hangouts, Videos, & Events. Join Deborah & Da Vinci Tues 9p ET: SWC TV & <TY4follow Checking out this morning thanks to :) Thank you again, for your support ;) Ah, thanks :) Hope you like it! RT : Checking out this morning thanks to :) Hey wanted to say "Thanks" for sharing the Twitter Engagement Tips article :) Hey Angela - how are u? Have u written that article that fits ? I'm going to try to this weekend A1 is a major factor in our operations. It'll make you feel like a developer w/o actually being one Ahh. nice. Didn't realize Pinterest had an RSS feed! Have to do something w/ this now Deborah, have you found a way to go in reverse: from another service to Pinterest?